Ep #43: Your Worth is Not Determined by Your Weight

According to a study from the UK, if a woman is determined to live an average of 82 years, in their lifetime they will experience 61 different diets and spend 17 years of their life on a diet. Isn’t that crazy?

Your body is a gift. Don’t denigrate it by judging it by the number on the scale or the number in your jacket. It’s not about the size, it’s about the love that’s contained within that body that radiates out and is a mark of the life you live. So this week, I’m talking to you about your relationship with the numbers.

Tune in to this episode and learn why we first have to start loving ourselves and stop moving the bar, regardless of what we weigh or our size. Discover how to stop making your joyfulness in the moment conditional on some outside circumstance, and learn how to stop blocking your blessings and let the good flow to you.

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What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why you get to decide which numbers matter.
  • How to do a spring clean edit on your closet.
  • Why the numbers on the scale don’t necessarily equate to health.
  • How to love your body with every dimple and ripple.
  • The true things that will matter to you when you get to the end of the road (hint: it’s not the numbers on the scale.)

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Full Episode Transcript:

This week we’re talking about your worth is not determined by your weight. Your worth is not determined by your weight. Let’s get going.

Welcome to the Unlock Your Life podcast, a podcast for highly successful visionary women who want more out of life. If you feel that ache of unfulfillment in your soul, you’re in the right place sis. Join life mastery consultant Lori A. Harris as she teaches you how to stop living for others and finally put yourself first. Let’s dive into today’s show.

So it’s springtime y’all. We have entered into the time of renewal. We’ve been reminded that everything in life is impermanent. What I particularly like about having my place in the mountains is I truly get to enjoy four seasons. So as the snow melted at my new place, I noticed there were daffodils coming up. Daffodils that I didn’t plant.

These are perennials. So someone some time ago, and who knows when, planted those buds. I forget what you call them, but they you plant them and then they will continue to bloom seasonally over and over and over again. What that does is it reminds us that everything changes. Nothing stays the same. That’s a beautiful thing.

So what I love about this time of year is we get to decide who we are and who we’re going to be. So we’ve been talking about mindset, thought work, awareness work, mindfulness. When we come into this time of the year, it’s a great thing to kind of do an edit. Clean up. Clean up our environment, clean up our mind, clean up our thinking. Because from our thinking, we know that it’s the foundation of the life that we’re going to live.

So at this time, I want to talk to you about your relationship with the numbers. There was a study done in the United Kingdom that indicated that women if they are determined to live an average of 82 years, that in their lifetime they will have experienced 61 different diets and spent 17 years of their life on a diet for an average of seven weeks.

What I’m noticing and learning and being reminded of is that the journey to self-love is a continuous journey. We have to first love ourselves and stop moving the bar. Stop moving the line and stop making our joyfulness in the moment conditional upon some outside circumstance. Let’s decide. Let’s decide that these are the numbers that matter.

We can decide how we’re going to count it. The numbers of kisses, the numbers of hugs, the numbers of moments of true gratitude, the numbers of moments in true joy. The things that I suspect that are going to matter to us when we get to the end of the road, when we cross the finish line are not the numbers on the scale.

I’ve noticed that many times people equate health and healthfulness to the numbers on the scale. That’s not always the case. We are all different. We all have different bodies. We are all designed to experience this life in a body differently. It would be great if we could not judge each other and then not judge ourselves based on the number on the scale, the number in the back of our collar, the numbers that we tell ourselves that I should be.

We’ve been talking about should off and on all month. What we do know is everything changes. Nothing stays the same. So if it matters to you that you can still wear your cheerleading outfit from when you’re in high school. great on you. If you can still wear the jeans that you wore when you were in high school and you are 65 years old, that’s wonderful.

But if you can’t because life happened and you suffered a number of illnesses, and now you are taking a medication that causes you to lose weight or to gain weight. Or you have the beautiful marks of a woman that is given birth and brought life into this world, let’s count that. Let’s count that as a win.

Or you just have the marks of a grown ass woman who’s living her life and has had numbers of experiences. It’s all reflected on your body. Somebody is lucky enough to share that body with you occasionally, and regard it as a prize for yourself and your own pleasure and whomever you choose to share it with. Your body is a gift. Don’t denigrate it by judging it by the number on the scale or the number in your jacket at the collar. It’s not about the size. It’s about the love that’s contained within that body and radiates out.

I want you to have a beautiful life. The great way to do that is to work on your thinking and love that body. Look at it with every dimple and nick and roll and ripple and silverly stretch mark, love it all because it’s a mark of the life you’ve lived. Truthfully, I hope it’s a life well lived.

Now for bonus point. When we really want to work on cleaning up our stuff, we can go to our closet and do a little spring clean edit. If your closet has a vast array of sizes, perhaps you want to consider releasing that. Because if you have sizes that you don’t fit anymore because you’re bigger than that or sizes you don’t fit anymore because you’re smaller than that, recognize the body that you have right now. Choose clothing that feels like an adornment that is lucky to be put on that beautiful body of yours and embellishes that which is already really, really good.

Work on loving that body, loving it inside and out, and releasing those clothes that no longer serve you. Because when you look at it and say, “Oh, I’m going to get to that size.” It reinforces that feeling in the moment that there’s something wrong. That you’re not good enough. It’s a horrible way to start your day in terms of a foundation of getting started and living a life in this moment in this day that you would absolutely love.

So let it go. Release it. If it no longer fits, let it go. If it’s in disrepair, let it go. If it’s out of style, let it go. If it’s no longer a reflection of the woman that you are, let it go. Release it so that you can stop blocking your blessings and let the good flow to you. There’s good out there for you, and it’s trying to get to you, but it’s all clogged up in the arteries of your messy closet.

Let’s do a spring edit. First with our thoughts, then with our actions, and then we’re going to physically go and clean up that closet and let things go. Let it flow. Let it go.

This has been episode 43 of the Unlock Your Life podcast. I hope you’ve enjoyed this episode. If you found it helpful, share it with a friend. If you really enjoyed it, go look it up on Apple podcasts or Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Leave a review. Rate, follow and review the show. We love five star reviews and maybe one day you’ll hear your name on the podcast shouting you out for giving me your support. Remember, it’s your life. Make it a great one.

Thanks for listening to this episode of the Unlock Your Life podcast. If you want more information on how you can transform your life and do it quickly, visit loriaharris.com. See it on the next episode of the Unlock Your Life podcast.

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