There's something I noticed that's remarkably different about Lori.

"There's something I noticed that's remarkably different about Lori. She is a willing mentor and coach. She makes herself physically present giving me the opportunity to observe her powerful compassion and communication skills. She empowered me to cross my line of fear. She helped me to mount that horse and ride. Her guidance prepared for a significant internal lesson, learning to face my fear. Thank you, Lori. That internal journey changed me. And your witness was exactly what I needed. This is a forever thank you." - Dion Raymond

I've been holding Vision Workshops for the several years and each time attendees rave about the connections they make and the transformations they have when they attend. (You can see what some of my clients have to say about working with me here.) I've also been sharing my work online - in various formats, similar to online workshops like this one.

What To Expect When You Attend an Online Vision Workshop:

Typically we begin with a warm up exercise meant to ground us in our work, and open us up to possibility before we begin. We also cover:

- Two essential keys for tuning into your purpose.
- A 5-point test for determining whether your dream is right for you.
- Simple thinking strategies that will guard you from fear, doubt and worry.
- What wealthy people do that creates sustained success.
- The number one factor that causes people to lose steam when going after a dream, and how to stay motivated and override it.
- A proven method for dissolving resistance you may have to prosperity so you can attract higher levels of results and abundance.
- The 1 critical thing you must give up in order to reach your dream.

How to Enroll for the Next Online Vision Workshop:
Space is limited. Online video conference setting in a small group. Lots of FUN!!
Next Vision Workshop is on: October 27th at 11am PST.

Enrollment: $37. Includes the workshop, handouts, and a special gift.

Drop me a line at lori@loriaharris.com if you have questions, or need help with enrolling for the next online workshop.

Lori is the creator and author of the Gratitude Train App, a free, electronic gratitude journal available for iPhone and Android devices. She has served as a senior trial lawyer for over 27 years in Los Angeles and is a regular contributor to the Mountain Views News where she covers topics such as mindfulness, gratitude and the spiritual tools for success. She regularly speaks, and offers one on one and group transformational coaching employing the tools of radical gratitude.

Click here to learn more about Lori.