Ep #29: The Components of Decisions

It’s January, it’s that time of year, and perhaps you’ve had some thoughts about things you might want to do, have, or experience in 2022. Last week, we talked about the power of decision but this week it’s all about the components of decisions and the physics behind them.

Making a decision is important, and the ability to do so is the fuel that will move your life forward. Inspiration without action is merely entertainment, and making decisions will enable you to do the things that light you up and move you towards the direction of your dreams.

In this episode, learn why there is always something you can do to take action and how to engage the power of decision to allow yourself to move into inspired action. I’m sharing the difference between making a decision and entertaining an idea and teaching you how to fuel your thoughts with the power of action.

If you are ready to get on track to have the best life ever, I would love to meet you! Get your new year off to a great start and sign up for a strategy session. Click here to find out more about how you can work with me.

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What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Where confidence comes from.
  • How to practice the physics of being a decision-maker.
  • The difference between a dream and a plan.
  • Why you can never make a future decision, and what that means.
  • How to engage in taking inspired action.
  • Why you shouldn’t ever allow fear to prevent you from taking action.
  • How to move towards having experiences that light you up.

Listen to the Full Episode:

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Full Episode Transcript:

Inspiration without action is merely entertainment. It’s January. It’s that time of year. Perhaps you’ve had some thoughts. Some thoughts about some things you might want to  do, have, or experience. We talked about the power of decision last week. This week is all about the components of a decision. Let’s get going.

Welcome to the Unlock Your Life podcast, a podcast for highly successful visionary women who want more out of life. If you feel that ache of unfulfillment in your soul, you’re in the right place sis. Join life mastery consultant Lori A. Harris as she teaches you how to stop living for others and finally put yourself first. Let’s dive into today’s show.

So I’m not going to join the bandwagon of new year, new you. I’m not going to ask you to do all the things. To change your body, change your life. I’m not going to talk to you about all the things that you might need to improve about your life, body, or experience. I do want to talk to you about the components of a decision.

Making decisions is important. Having the ability to make decisions is important because it is the fuel that is going to move your life forward. There’s a physics to making a decision. There are components to decisions. A decision requires you to actually take action. So a thought paired with action is what it is that’s required to call a thought a decision. You pair it with an action. That is the physics behind the power of decision.

So you want to be able to connect yourself with the things that you would like to be, do, have, and experience. The way to do that is to pair your thoughts with actions.

Confidence comes from taking action. Taking multiple actions will move the needle from one point to the next point. So we want to engage in taking inspired right action. When we decide on an effort, a transformation, an experience that we would like to have, it’s important that we don’t allow fear to take over to stop us from taking action.

Perhaps in December, December 31st you had a series of thoughts. You thought about some things you might want to experience or have. You thought about some things you might want to change. The truth is we can never make a future decision. We can never make a future decision. That’s the secrete behind decisions. You can’t decide in the future. You can think about something that you might want to do or experience or change. Deciding that you’re going to start dieting on Monday when today is Thursday is not a decision. It’s entertaining an idea.

The difference is when you make a decision, you must do something in this present moment. Contemplation, thoughts, things that you might want to do or change won’t take you anywhere. There’s always something you can do in this moment. It doesn’t have to be the perfect thing, but to take an action and perhaps write it down in your calendar for decision is a step in the direction of activation. To move the physics of that thought forward.

So we want to begin with thoughts of what we would absolutely love. There’s a vibrational tone to love. Ask yourself what would your life look like if you did exactly what you would love to do? Not necessarily the most logical thing that you think you should do, that your people think you should do, your colleagues, your mom and dad think you should do, but what you would love to do.

So if you approached your life from the point of view of what would I love, you might get different answers. You might get different thoughts coming through your mind. If you asked yourself what would I love to be, do, or have, it’s very different than what do I think I can do with this level of experience, expertise, and knowledge? What do I think makes sense at this point in my life? It’s a very different vibrational tone than asking yourself what would I love in this particular moment?

So I invite you to consider engaging in a creative process. To make a decision, pair that decision with an action, and watch what happens. A decision followed by an action is what is going to spark your imagination, to generate ideas to support your decision. You have to be willing to do the work that follows up your decision.

So we want to practice the physics of being a decision maker. Allow yourself to build your confidence by taking action. Don’t require that you get each step right. Don’t require that you have perfection when you venture out to do something new. Know that it is the next right step for your business you’re building upon your experience to get to the ultimate of what you’re looking for.

So when we talk about building from a vision, creating from a dream, a dream is very different from a plan. We want to allow ourselves to really bathe in the feeling of curiosity. So the first step is to ask yourself what would I love, and then get curious. Engage with your own creative nature to decide what I would love. Then allow yourself to get inspired with scientific notions of noticing how you feel, what you’re doing when you think about this creative endeavor that you’ve engaged in.

Then engage with an action. An action doesn’t have to be something that you might call big. Allow yourself to move to inspired action. So when you have decided oh this is something that I would love and you’re looking to pair it with an action, it doesn’t have to be something that you might consider a big movement. But you have to move from a vibrational tone of something that you would love.

When you move from inspired action towards something that you would love then you start to receive different results. Then you direct your thinking towards things that light you up. Get in harmony with that decision and action. So then you think well what would a person that’s going to be or have that experience be doing in this moment? What’s the next inspired right action I might take?

So let’s consider it’s 2022. While you’re not required to be brand new in 2022, we are going to have a life. If we’re going to have a life, why not have an inspired life. A life that we absolutely would love living.

So it’s 2022. Let’s pretend that you’ve had a thought that I would love to go to the Amalfi Coast. I would love to go to Italy and experience the beauty that is the Amalfi Coast. You’ve never traveled before, perhaps. It makes your heart quiver a little bit just thinking about it, particularly in these times. You’re thinking about how might I do that? What would I do? What would be required of me in order to have a COVID safe experience in Italy?

So let’s pretend that you have made this decision. What’s one inspired action you could take in the direction of being a person who is in Italy? Well, perhaps you could do some research. What is required in these times to travel? What will I have to do in order to travel? So you pair it with an action of doing some research

Maybe the next step is when I go to Italy, I would love to be able to interact with the local people in the native tongue of that area. So you pair that with an action, and perhaps you do a bit more research and find a local place or an online place that you can learn Italian. So the action was where can I learn Italian? You do the research, and then the next inspired action might be to actually enroll in the class.

So you’ve now taken an inspired action and you’ve directed your thinking. You have authority over yourself and your thoughts and you think in harmony with the vibrational tone of what you would love. So we’re going to start with the curiosity of love, and then we’re going to move towards an inspired action. An action could be as simple as choosing a specific time for this activity to occur and you get your calendar out.

So while it’s true you can never make a future decision, you can make a decision in this moment to become the person that’s having this experience that you would love to have in the future. So you start with love. You ask yourself with true genuine curiosity what would I love. Then you move in inspiration towards that idea.

So you’ve had a thought, and you’re moving towards being the person who’s having that experience. Rather than just thinking about it, you’re doing the things that are consistent with being the person that’s having that experience. That is the how. That is the fuel. That is the rocket science between having a thought and making a decision.

Fuel your thoughts with the power of action and watch what happens. The secret of the power of decision is knowing that you can’t make a future decision. You must be being that person consistently moving towards the experience that you would love to have.

Thank you for listening to episode 29 of the Unlock Your Life podcast. This week we’ve been talking about the components, the physics of decisions.  As we decide who we want to be, we remind ourselves that we can never make a future decision. We must become this person in this particular moment that’s moving towards having the experiences that light us up.

So we are not making future decisions. We’re taking inspired action in this particular moment. Inspiration without action is merely entertainment. So we’re not just having a series of contemplations. We’re doing the things that light us up, that move us into the direction of our dreams. So be the person who is doing the things and have the experience of the life that you would love to have. That is how you engage the power of decision. You pair your decisions with actions and watch what happens.

I love chatting with you each week. Thank you for listening to the Unlock Your Life podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend. If you really like it, I’d love it if you go to Apple Podcast follow, rate, and review the show. This is how we move this show forward to be able to help and experience a growing podcast for even more people. Remember it’s your life. Make it a great one.

Thanks for listening to this episode of the Unlock Your Life podcast. If you want more information on how you can transform your life and do it quickly, visit loriaharris.com. See it on the next episode of the Unlock Your Life podcast.

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