When the Horse Dies Get Off



“Where there is no vision, the people perish…” Proverbs 29:18

I often write about having a clear vision of what you want as an essential component of living your best life. Just as it is important to have a destination in mind on any journey, we must know what we want to be happy. In my work as a coach, I sometimes encounter clients that are unsure of their desires. It isn’t that they don’t know what they want, it’s that they are having difficulty articulating their needs. I tell them to use the polar opposite to get clarity. When you can’t say what you want, usually you are very clear about what you don’t want. For example, a woman could know that she abhors dishonesty which could lead her to fine tune her desire for honesty and integrity in her romantic relationships.

I invite you to envision your perfect romantic relationship. What do you want? Do want you a partnership that includes exercise or physical activity? What about intellectual stimulation? What kinds of things would you like to do for fun? The sky is the limit! Ask for what you want, because anything is possible; however, you will have to relinquish something. To make love welcome you will need to make space for it. Just as you must clean the clutter from closets to accommodate a new wardrobe, you must check your heart and spirit for blocking or negative beliefs. Have you been harboring resentments from past relationships? Are you protecting yourself from being hurt by being unavailable?


Are you hanging onto a relationship that doesn’t meet your needs? Stop it.


When the horse dies, get off.


Release those things, people, and habits that no longer serve you that are preventing you from having the relationship of your dreams. Prepare yourself to receive love. Be kind to yourself, love yourself. The Universe is prepared to meet all of your needs and desires.

Prepare yourself and create space to make love welcome.







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