Start your day with a grateful heart and watch what happens.

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Experiencing and expressing gratitude activates neural pathways of the brain. Engaging in a regular gratitude practice can have a positive effect on many areas of life including health, relationships and abundance.

Gratitude is an important part of any mindfulness practice. Medical and personal development practitioners are encouraging patients and clients to express gratitude to improve health, wellness, and creativity.

Below you'll find a 7-day Challenge to give you a taste of the app and to get YOU started living on the gratitude train.

Lori is the creator and author of the Gratitude Train App, a free, electronic gratitude journal available for iPhone and Android devices. She has served as a senior trial lawyer for over 27 years in Los Angeles and is a regular contributor to the Mountain Views News where she covers topics such as mindfulness, gratitude and the spiritual tools for success. She regularly speaks, and offers one on one and group transformational coaching employing the tools of radical gratitude.